Tubular Anti-Squirrel Bird Feeder: Brome Squirrel Buster Classic

Feeder ratings 

Tubular Anti-Squirrel Bird Feeder
Tubular Anti-Squirrel Bird Feeder
What we have here is the second best rated squirrel proof bird feeder in the market! After being reviewed and rated by 300+ customers, "Brome Squirrel Buster Classic" holds vice champion position on the list of top ten best anti-squirrel feeders ever. This feeder is also among the top ten best selling feeders online. Let's try and find out what makes this feeder grab customers sympathies so easily.

Feeder construction  and how it works  

Brome Squirrel Buster Classic is of tubular shape consisting of simple plastic tube and metal cage shroud. The tubular plastic seed reservoir may store up to one third of gallon of bird seed and has four seed ports on its tubular wall. This food reservoir is fitted into chew-proof tubular shaped metal cage that also has four openings matching reservoir seed ports positions. This outer "cage" has ability to slide down under the weight so that the cage disables access to seed ports to all the animals heavier than small birds. This means the squirrels, rats and heavier birds can not reach bird food inside the reservoir, but as soon as they get off from the feeder, the outer cage shroud gets pulled up by spring to starting position and the seed ports are automatically opened for the birds. This way, the squirrels are forced to indulge the passion cleaning out spilled seeds they manage to find on the ground beneath the feeder.
To get the better picture about squirrel proof features of this feeder, please check this funny video:

Additional reviews by customers 

People who bought and reviewed this feeder reported that several bird species are specially attracted to Brome Squirrel Buster Classic feeder: American gold finch, purple finch, rose breasted grosbeak, chickadee, hairy woodpecker, indigo bunting, cardinal and white breasted nuthatch. Most of the customers think the feeder is affordable and well worth the money and some of them confess buying several more of this feeders after they loved the first buy. Possibly, the only downside of this feeder is that you can not adjust the triggering weight so there is no way bigger birds could be granted the access to the food. This means this is a bird feeder for small birds only.

Where to buy this feeder?

If you liked this feeder and want to order it online, I strongly recommend checking the price and stock availability at this Amazon.com link They offer discounts on regular basis you you just might get lucky right now.

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