Weight activated squirrel proof bird feeders

Weight activated squirrel proof bird feeders
Weight activated squirrel proof bird feeder
Seed ports close under the weight of the squirrel
Weight activated squirrel proof bird feeders (a.k.a. weight sensitive squirrel proof bird feeders) are without any doubt the largest group of anti-squirrel bird feeders. Literally, all of the feeders in this group use simple fact of gravity: the squirrels are much heavier than the birds and that's a fact of key importance for triggering feeders squirrel proof defense.
The very nature of feeder activation is either electric or mechanic and that's what makes crucial difference between weight activated feeders. By the rule, all of these feeders are equipped with some kind of a string that reacts to squirrels weight, and that's why they are also called "spring loaded squirrel proof bird feeders".
The number of all representatives from this group is huge and if you'll agree I will present only the ones with the best reviews from previous customers here.

Electric weight activated squirrel proof bird feeders

Droll Yankees Flipper
This type of bird feeders features battery operated electric motor inside. Feeders in this group come equipped with either rechargeable or replaceable electric batteries and electric circuit. Once a squirrel steps on the feeder's perch, the electric circuit gets closed under the squirrel's weight and the perch starts spinning in order to spin the squirrel off from the feeder.

The most popular and the best reviewed feeder in this group is certainly Droll Yankees Flipper.
The Flipper is known for many great features such as truly amazing anti-squirrel effectiveness, lifetime warranty, spare parts availability, bird seed antimicrobial protection and much more.

To read more details on Droll Yankees Flipper, please check my Spinning squirrel proof bird feeder review.

For even more reviews and buying options, check this page on Amazon. com.

Mechanical weight activated squirrel proof bird feeders

There are two ways how mechanical feeders prevent the squirrels from reaching bird seed:

1. Seed port closes under squirrel's weight

These are the feeders with inbuilt mechanical spring. The spring is attached to feeder's perch and is strong enough not to stretch under the weight of single or several birds.
But when a squirrel steps on the perch, the spring will stretch under the weight and the seed ports will close preventing the squirrel from reaching the seed (as shown in the image).

The best reviewed feeders in this category come from the same manufacturer: it's well established Brome company with models like Squirrel Buster Plus, Legacy, Standard, etc.
Some of Brome feeders are factory trimmed, while the others offer adjustable springs so that you can decide how big (or better say how heavy) are the birds that can access bird seed from your feeder.

For more details please check Brome page at Amazon.com

2. Perches bevel under the weight

Weight activated anti squirrel bird feeder
Yankees Dipper:
The squirrel is too heavy for the roost and the birds are not
This is truly unique way the feeder reacts when overloaded by squirrels weight. Before the squirrel even gets what's going on, it will find herself falling to the ground because the roost will bevel and collapse under the weight of the squirrel.

The only representative with this feature is Droll Yankees Dipper.
With four feeding ports, great choice of construction materials for outdoor conditions and 5 lbs. seed capacity, Dipper is best selling bird feeder from Yankees family of products.

The Dipper has great reviews from previous customers and if you'd like to check it please visit this Amazon.com link.


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