Grande Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Caged Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
Typical caged squirrel proof bird feeder
The very idea behind the construction concept of "Grande Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder" is to put food reservoir behind the bars so that the seed bandits better known as "the squirrels" can't come any close to the bird food. This bird feeder is meant for the small birds only, i.e. the birds who can make it into the cage. Though one might be skeptic about how the birds react to the challenge of entering the cage, it is really surprising how small bird visitors quickly get used to it and become frequent guests instead.
The first positive reaction of people who buy this feeder is about how robust and sturdy its construction is. The feeder is surely built to last for years. Now let's see more about its anti-squirrel functionality.
First off, the squirrels can not open the upper lid of the feeder due to inbuilt locking mechanism. Also, the squirrels can not enter the cage, but they are able to reach seeds that the birds spilled out at the feeder bottom tray (please check the photo). Of course, that is symbolic quantity of food wasted on squirrels. However, you should be very careful when choosing the place where the feeder will be placed - the less chance for squirrels to reach it, the less chance your birds will be scared away. Possibly the best solution for placing this feeder is shepherd hook high above the ground and away from trees together with specially designed baffle mounted somewhere up on the pole. That way you'll have problem solved for both the squirrels and big birds food thieves.
"Grande Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder" can host at least 8 small birds at the same time.

If you liked this bird feeder and want to buy it, please check the price for ordering online.
More of relevant reviews of this bird feeder is available on this page.

Bye, bye squirrels...  


  1. After one year of use I very much liked this feeder because openings at very bottom allows un-eaten nuts to flow out to the bottom tray. However, after one year of use, I now have to take the whole thing apart each time I re-fill as the top screw-on hanger loop also unscrews the connecting rod between top and bottom, making the whole feeder come apart.

  2. Can you tell me where I can get a replacement plastic feed tube?

  3. This product is nice and very useful! Thanks for the post!
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