Audubon Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Audubon Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
"Audubon" caged bird feeder
In spite of being frequently sought after by more and more new customers, Audubon squirrel proof bird feeder has been unexpectedly left without comprehensive online reviews. Possibly, it's because this Audubon feeder model is relatively new to the online market, but now the buzz is out there - I thought it would be nice to make in-depth review of the feeder's features.  
The Audubon squirrel proof bird feeder belongs to the group of caged bird feeders with tubular shaped bird food reservoir inside the cage. Of course, the cage is made of metal and therefore it is resistant to potential damage from squirrel attacks. Cage is of robust construction painted with rust-free protective green durable color to fit into every garden decor and resist all kinds of weather and air humidity. But being squirrel resistant is not the only role of the cage because the very cage is what makes this feeder squirrel proof! The size of cage grid is adjusted to the size of singing birds so that the squirrels, the raccoon, rats and bigger birds in size of grackles, blue jays and morning doves can only dream about making it into the cage. This strict control of cage enterance places Audubon feeder into group of bird feeders for small birds only.
Inside the cage there is center-positioned tubular bird seed reservoir. The reservoir can hold up to quarter of gallon of bird seed and it has four feeding ports small birds can easily reach and hop on. The reservoir tube is made of special ABS plastic (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic) which is famous for its durability and thermal stability. The upper tray of food reservoir is removable so that the tube is very easy to refill with bird food. At the same time, this upper tray is reported by some customers to be the only weak point of this feeder because (as reported) "there are some clever squirrels out there who can figure out how to open it and reach the seeds. But the customers don't seem to care much about that because the problem is easily fixed using piece of wire to fasten the upper tray a bit. As per the owners of  Audubon feeder, this additional operation is well wort the effort because once finished, this feeder is absolutely squirrel proof!

Where to buy Audubon squirrel proof bird feeder? 

Audubon feeder is available for ordering online from several reseller websites, but I strongly suggest you should first check out for discount price at this link.

Bye, bye squirrels!

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